The dignitaries present in the awareness programme. Photo - Northeast Now

Tuberculosis (TB) is no longer considered a dreaded disease in the world. Through DOTS or Directly Observed Treatment Short Course, TB treatment has become very easy and it is the internationally recommended strategy for TB control that has been recognised as a highly efficient and cost-effective strategy.

Sanjoy Kishan, MLA, Tinsukia, has taken up a special strategy and awareness programme to make the people of his constituency aware about TB just before the onset of monsoon.

Kishan, in tandem with the District Health Society, organised an awareness programme in the tea tribe-dominated Chota Tingrai area on Monday and made the people of the area aware about tuberculosis and how to prevent the same. In the said programme, several District Health officials made the gathering aware about the tuberculosis disease and what steps should be taken if TB strikes.

In the said event, Garima Saikia Garg, wife of the popular singer of Assam, Zubeen Garg, was present as the chief guest. Oinam Sarankumar Singh, Deputy Commissioner (DC), Tinsukia, was also present along with several other dignitaries.

The health officials also apprised the tea tribes’ gathering that though TB is presented as a disease of the lungs, it can travel beyond the lungs to all organs in the body – urinary tract, intestines and skin.

The symptoms of TB disease include tiredness, weight loss, fever and night sweats and loss of appetite, they further informed the gathering.

Tuberculosis can strike anybody. If one coughs persistently for more than two weeks, one should immediately go and get his or her sputum tested.

The State Health Department officials have made special provisions for DOTS Providers in Tinsukia district to visit people’s house and administer the requisite drugs to them.

The Health officials also told the backward tea tribes’ community that there should be no taboo regarding TB and if anybody has inkling that he or she has developed TB, they should immediately approach the TB centres.

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