Papri Banerjee and screen shot of her controversial facebook post.

Papri Banerjee, the college teacher in Guwahati, who was earlier suspended on Saturday after a comment by her on Facebook regarding the Pulwama terror attack went viral, was on Sunday called for questioning to the Chandmari police station.

Also read: Death threat to Guwahati college teacher for comment on Pulwama attack

However, the college teacher who had alleged receiving death threat was let off after questioning.

In her Facebook post on Friday, Papri Z Banerjee, who was an assistant professor at Icon Commerce College in Guwahati, had written:

“45 brave young men were killed yesterday…

This was not war..

They didn’t get the opportunity to fight back..

This was cowardice of the highest order..

It would break the heart of any Indian..




What have not the security forces done in the valley!

You rape their women..

You maim and kill their children..

You slaughter their men..

Your media constantly demonizes them..

And you expect no retaliation??

You know what?

The terrorism maybe Islamic, But KARMA is a very Indic, very Sanatana Dharma concept..

Go chew on that!”
Meanwhile, after a Twitterati sharing the teacher’s post with the official Twitter handle of Assam police questioned: “How much lies being fed in colleges that such venom being vomited out to justify deaths of 45 Soldiers. She is professor in ikon (sic) Commerce College, Guwahati.”

Responding to the tweet, the Assam Police said: “This is being looked into and appropriate action will be initiated.”