swawrn bharat+Sanjeev Sabhlok
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The Swarn Bharat Party (SBP), the latest entrant in the Indian political scenario, has not only challenged the socialist model of democracy in India but also assured to bring in the much needed total and comprehensive change to liberate the people of the country.

The party has even made it clear that it is going to contest at least five to six seats in the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls.

Sanjeev Sabhlok, a 1982 batch IAS officer, floated the Swarn Bharat Party (SBP) in 2013. Sanjeev who now lives in Australia, has returned to India recently. Sanjeev, an economist and political philosopher, says the party wants to bring in a total and comprehensive change compared to the socialist model of democracy which is being followed in India.

A Haryana cadre IAS officer, who later changed to Assam cadre due to his marriage with an Assam cadre officer, Sanjeev Sabhlok resigned as IAS officer in January 2001 after he realized the deep rooted corruption in the Indian system of governance.

Sabhlok who served in Assam in different capacities said that he had no idea about the system of governance when he joined the service in 1982.

“I had no idea how the government system works. It took me 15 years to understand that there is some corruption going on in all levels of governance. After some time it became so bad that even the then Chief Minister Hiteswar Saikia asked me to get some cement contract to somebody who is not the lowest bidder. I realized that people are being looted at all levels,” said Sabhlok, an Australian citizen now.

“Quitting the job was the best thing at that time for me. I would have rotten in this hellhole if I am still in the job. Now I am still alive. I have learnt things and understood that we require a change in the mindset to become the master,” he told Northeast Now in an exclusive interview.

Slamming the current system in India, Sanjeev said that in fact nothing have changed in Indian since the British days. “The British had created some model for us for their benefit and we are still following that model. Let me give an example, during the British time also we were scared of police and even today we are scared of police. But police across the world are paid to help people and not scare people. But here in India, we escape the moment we see a police. What a country we have created,” he said.

“We want to liberate the country, this is the freedom movement of the country,” he added.

He also criticized the present government’s  move to silence people by slapping sections of the law and said that when people talks today the government say you can’t talk. “The government is our servant. Now who is our servant to dictate what shall we say.”

Sanjeev who came to Assam for his party related works said that the party will contest in five to six seats in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections including in the Guwahati Lok Sabha seat.

Appreciating the private sector in India, Sanjeev said that the private sector in India has performed enormously, its the world’s very best. “When government was managing telecom we could not get a telephone for two years. Today our private sector has created such a thing that we can get the highest data for the cheapest cost. When government was running airlines, it was going into loses but when private sector came in now we can go to Delhi in Rs 3000 which was the cost of a train ticket,” he said.