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Digboi: A team led by Chinmoy Pathk, the Additional Deputy Commissioner (Health) of Tinsukia, visited Digboi Community Health Centre (CHC) in Assam on Monday to investigate alleged irregularities, following an incident on May 17 where an on-duty doctor, Dr. Jitimoni Deori, was reportedly unavailable for an extended period.

The investigation revealed that Dr. Deori was indeed absent when a student patient experiencing breathing difficulties arrived, requiring urgent medical attention. Pathak termed the doctor’s absence as a “lapse” and confirmed that further action had been taken.

The inspection also covered other aspects of the CHC’s day-to-day operations, including logistics, infrastructure, staffing schedules, record-keeping, sanitation, and hygiene.

Pathok acknowledged the understandable distress of the patient’s guardian during the incident. “Such situations evoke strong reactions from loved ones concerned about their well-being,” he said. He emphasized the importance of preventing similar lapses in the future and has directed the Joint Director of Health to ensure this.

The inspection identified a malfunctioning toilet requiring immediate repair. Dr. Niharika Bora, the CHC in charge, attributed this to a lack of available plumbers. Additionally, Pathak clarified that several hospital beds found outdoors were intended for transport to Dirok.

Dr. Bora confirmed that Dr. Deori had received a show-cause notice from higher authorities but remains on duty as per the established schedule.

Efforts to reach the Joint Director of Health for comments on government doctor conduct and private practice regulations were unsuccessful as calls went unanswered.