darrang police-dacoits
Joint-up Photo (Left) Darrang Superintendent of Police Sreejith Thiraviam (centre) briefing the media in Mangaldai on January 2, 2019. (Right) The arrested dacoits along with seized arms and ammunition. Photo: Northeast Now

Darrang Police while carrying out a series of operations in different parts of the district on Tuesday and Wednesday busted a notorious gang of armed dacoits.

The gang of armed dacoits was also involved with the poaching of the one horned rhinos at Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary and Orang National Park.

A team of Darrang Police acting on tip off on Tuesday night apprehended three members of the gang who had gathered at a road side hotel at Bechimari under Dalgaon Police Station and recovered a number of arms and ammunition from their possession.

The arrested gang members have been identified as Sabed Ali, son of Hasan Ali of village Dhansirigram under Mangaldai Police Station; Arifuddin, son of Satku of village No 1 Magurmari; and Faraj Ali, son of Hussain Ali of village Dhansirikash, both under Dhula Police Station.

On the basis of the confession of the arrested accused Sabed Ali, the police on Wednesday carried out further operation and arrested another accused Sahad Ali, son of Abbas Ali of village No 4 Naglichar under Mangaldai Police Station.

Subsequently, all the arrested accused led to the arrest of their accomplice Shah Jahan Ali, son of Kasem Ali of village Borjhar under Dhula Police Station.

This information was revealed before media by Darrang Superintendent of Police, Sreejith Thiraviam at a press conference arranged at his office auditorium on Wednesday afternoon.

The police also seized one 7.65 mm pistol along with one magazine and six rounds of ammunition, a good number of khukris, several rounds of ammunition of .303 rifle, sharp arrows, gun powder, one copper idol of Lord Ganesha, one drilling machine, one metal cutter besides several handmade guns and ammunitions from the possession of all the arrested dacoits.

They have also confessed their involvement in a number of robbery cases and poaching of rhinos. At the time of the arrest, they were planning for committing robbery in the locality of Bechimari.

Officer in charge of Dalgaon police station Jagadish Sarma and officer in charge of Dhula police station Hemanta Barua also played a key role in the arrest of these dacoits, added the Superintendent of Police, Darrang.

Mayukh Goswami is Northeast Now Correspondent in Mangaldai. He can be reached at: [email protected]