pallab tezpur welcome
Minister Pollab Lochan Das. Image: Northeast Now

Assam Cabinet minister and Rangapara legislator, Pallab Lochan Das was accorded a warm welcome by the BJP party workers in Tezpur on Saturday afternoon.

Earlier in the day, Pallab was named as the party candidate for the prestigious Tezpur parliamentary constituency.

Also read: LS polls: BJP nominates Pallab Lochan Das for Tezpur constituency

He was received by a huge bike rally of the party workers from the Bhumuraguri Bridge and taken to Mazgaon party office wherein he addressed the party workers seeking their whole-hearted cooperation to win the seat.

Meanwhile, in the sidelines of it interacting with the media persons, Pallab mentioned that he is very much thankful to Narendra Modi, BJP president, Amit Shah and NEDA chairman Himanta Biswa Sharma for fielding him in a prestigious Lok Sabha seat like Tezpur where unmatched figure, cultural icons like Kola Guru Bishnu Prashad Rabha, Rup Kownar Jyoti Prasad Agarwala and Natasurya Phani Sharma with heart and soul practiced their works for the people’s development and cultural uplift reflecting the dignity of the Assamese  people.

When asked what will be his election issue, he said that during the Congress regime, northern part of Sonitpur district was a disturbed zone for the growing militant activities. However, after BJP came to power in the State it has now become a safe and peaceful zone for the people irrespective of caste and religion.

“I am hopeful enough that in the days to come we will be able to do more developmental works being in the BJP platform,” he said.

He added that he will try to solve the long pending problems faced by the tea garden people and the small tea growers of the region.

“Besides these I will initiate special project for the development of Tezpur and for it’s culture and heritages as it has name and fame as culture capital for the State. On the other hand, for taking forward the region’s youths and the youth entrepreneurship will be given more priority thereby giving special focus on building a good  economic status of the society,” he further stated.

Saying about Congress party’s position in the Tezpur Lok Sabha segment, Pallab Lochan Das also mentioned that Congress has been in an unstable condition for which they have even failed to field a local candidate for the election.

“I have doubt how much the hired Congress candidate is aware of the culture, heritage and the sentiment of the people of Tezpur,” he said.

Replying to the query regarding party’s senior leader R P Sharma’s dissatisfaction over his deprivation of ticket he said that he has utmost honour for him and it is party’s decision to give the ticket.

“But I have good relation with him and I am optimistic enough that he will wholeheartedly involve in my campaigning to win the seat,” he said.