ayurvedic collge
Photo: Northeast Now

The Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Guwahati, has started a number of projects for developing the infrastructure of the college and hospital with a sanction of Rs 10 crore from the Government of Assam.

The fund will be sanctioned in three installments over a period of three years – 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21.

“This project includes renovation and repairing of the auditorium, renovation and repairing of the conference hall, construction of link road between the college and hospital, construction of canteen and construction of a girls’ hostel for postgraduate students,” said Dr Bhabesh Das, principal of the College who is also a professor and head of the Department of Shalya.

He also added that the Government has given mass stress to popularize Ayurveda.

The Government Ayurvedic College offers five-and-a-half years under-graduate course and a three-year postgraduate course.

Postgraduate students are allotted to six different departments – MD (Ayurved) in Kaya Chikitsa (internal medicine), MD (Ayurved) in Samhita Siddhanta (basic principles of Ayurveda), MS (Ayurved) in Shalya Tantra (surgery), MS (Ayurved) in Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga (Gynecology), MD (Ayurved) in Roga Nidan (pathology) and MD (Ayurved) in Sharir Rachana (anatomy).

The principal also added, “The PG students are assigned topics for research on diabetes, skin diseases and lifestyle disorder like hypertensions and non-communicable diseases.”

The institute also provides yoga therapy for pain management, health complications and healing.

He further said, “Yoga training is a compulsory course for the students of the college who practise everyday at 6 am to 8 am in the morning and 4 am to 8 pm in the evening.”

The Ayurvedic hospital provides ‘panchakarma’ therapy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic complications and other lifestyle disorders.

Kshar Surtra is a therapy for patients with piles, fistula, fissure and ano-rectal diseases.