East Kameng
Villagers under Pakoti Circle who availed Government facilities. Image - Northeast Now

Thousands of people on Saturday participated and availed the benefits of the 7th edition of ‘Sarkar Aapke Dwar’ (Government at your doorstep) programme organized by the East Kameng district administration at the Pakoti Circle near here on Saturday.

‘Sarkar Aapke Dwar’ is an initiative of the State government to cater its services to the people at their doorsteps.

The highlight of Saturday’s programme was a half a dozen villages of the circle were converted into 100 per cent LED efficient villages by the Arunachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency (APEDA).

All the old tungsten bulbs being used by 582 houses of the six villages were taken out and replaced by LED bulbs.

The effort of the administration and APEDA to save electricity was well appreciated by the villagers.

During the programme, the general administration issued 148 scheduled tribe (ST) and 82 permanent resident certificates (PRC) along with 4 trading licenses besides registering 177 affidavits. A total of 108 ST, 86 PRC and 10 trading license forms were also issued on the day by the department.

The CD Block of Seppa issued 60 income certificates, 20 new job cards while a house under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana belonging to one Charo Sangdo was also inaugurated.

The horticulture department issued 10 HORTNET cards, registered a few farmers under the scheme and also distributed organic plant protection pesticides and gardening tools.

The counter of the Health Department, as expected, saw the largest number of visitors as more than 200 people registered and screened themselves for various checkups and tests. Besides giving out free medicines and issuing 4 disability certificates, the department, on the day also distributed 284 Chief Minister Arogya Arunachal Yojana forms to the public.

The Apex Bank received 30 forms for new account opening while 20 new bank accounts were opened on the spot.

The district legal services also made its presence felt in the programme as they disturbed 483 pamphlets containing important information on legal rights, domestic violence, victim compensation scheme, etc.

East Kameng
Villagers of East Kameng district availing Government facilities. Image – Northeast Now
Villagers of East Kameng district availing Government facilities. Image – Northeast Now

A total of 102 Form-6, 45 Form-7, 18 Form-8 and 20 Form-8A were issued by the district’s election branch which also demonstrated the use of electronic voting machine and the voter-verified paper audit trail, while the statics department enrolled 48 people under AADHAR and issued 119 birth certificates.

The District Food and Civil Supplies Department on the other hand issued 22 new ration card and 69 LPG forms besides distributing 53 free LPG connections under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana.

The Arunachal Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board distributed 200 gumboots and raincoats to the registered workers and also issued a total of 250 new registration forms.

Among others, the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), agriculture, textile and handicrafts and PHE departments also took part in the daylong programme and made available their services to the people.

Earlier, while inaugurating the programme MLA Mama Natung appealed to the people to avail the benefits being provided by the Government.

“Sarkar Aapke Dwar should not only be an event to distribute forms and applications. We must ensure that we are able to give direct benefits to the beneficiaries,” the legislator said.

Echoing the MLA, East Kameng Deputy Commissioner, Gaurav Singh Rajawat urged the Gaon Burhas and other stakeholders of the district to create awareness on the doorstep services and said that the state and central governments are committed to deliver the benefits and services of schemes and programmes to the people.

Pakoti circle officer Laxmi Dodum also spoke on the occasion.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]