Arunachal Pradesh IPR minister Bamang Felix on Monday called upon the officers of the IPR and Printing department to work harder and beyond current boundaries to educate the masses on various developmental schemes of the Central and state government.

Information and public relations (IPR) minister Felix, who was at Soochna Bhawan here to review the developmental activities being taken up by the department said he is well aware of the problems and issues being faced by the department and they would be resolved one by one.

“We (officers) should not only be hard-working but also need to come up with new and innovative ideas,” he said while assuring to support any innovative scheme in the next budget.

Reviewing the construction status of the Satyajeet Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI) with the director of the institute, Felix said, no compromise would be accepted in its quality and infrastructure and asked the agencies concerned to speed up the construction works.

He, however, said certain agreements were made with local land donors which need to be addressed with due respect to their culture and sentiments.

He assured to visit the site and discuss the matter in detail with the parties concerned.

Advisor to Felix, Laisam Simai, termed the IPR department as the heart of all departments as every developmental activity is connected to it.

“A missed beat of this heart could jeopardize the entire developmental process of the state, so every stakeholder needs to be serious and work hard,” he suggested.

Simai commended the officers of the department for successfully taking up various activities for the development of the state and assured to extend all support and cooperation.

Among others, IPR secretary N T Glow, director Obang Tayeng, Printing director Charu Tajuk and other department officers were present in the review meeting.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]