Arunachal Pradesh has reported 220 new positive cases in the last 24 hours.

According to the latest Covid19 bulletin released by the directorate of health services, Arunchal Pradesh,  the new positive cases were detected out of 3,747 tests.

Of the new cases, 75 cases are symptomatic while 145 are asymptomatic cases.

A total of 90 patients, who were earlier infected by Covid19, have been discharged after their recovery, according to the bulletin.

With the new cases, the Covid19 tally of Arunachal Pradesh reached 18,958 on Monday.

After the discharge of 90 more people in the last 24 hours, the number of recoveries recorded in Arunachal Pradesh reached 17,636.

The recovery rate of the state is 91.59%.

Currently, Arunachal Pradesh has 1536 active Covid19 cases and the positivity rate is 8.10%.

The deadly virus has so far claimed the lives of 59 people in Arunachal Pradesh.

The Covid19 death rate of Arunachal Pradesh stands at 0.31%.