The Arunachal Pradesh Congress has come out in support of the ruling BJP government in the fight against Covid-19.

The East Siang district Congress committee has been assisting the district administration by providing free meals to both healthcare workers as well as patients admitted at the Covid Hospital in Pasighat.

The free meals are being provided from June 4 and will continue till July.

In addition to helping the healthcare workers, free light refreshments are being provided to the police personnel manning every turn of Pasighat during the entire stretch of curfew from Tuesday.

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The refreshments will be provided to the police personnel for this entire month.

The District Congress Committee Covid monitoring team includes several dedicated volunteers led by Oni Tamuk, president of East Siang Congress Committee

The healthcare and police personnel have been working tirelessly to serve the public during the pandemic and they even continue to do their duty while going hungry.

Mebo MLA, Lombo Tayeng who is also the Congress legislative party leader of Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee, Pasighat West MLA Ninong Ering and former state education minister, Bosiram Siram are funding this philanthropic service.

These leaders have also assured all possible help to the district administration of East Siang and the government of Arunachal Pradesh in fighting the pandemic.