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The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to Namsai superintendent of police in connection with a case of thrashing a daily wage earner by police personnel.

Acting on a complaint filed by one by Buteng Tayeng, wherein he had alleged the police personnel of “brutally beating a daily wage earner while he was on his way to buy medicine for his children in earlier this month.”

Tayeng, the state affairs secretary of North East Human Rights Organisation (NEHRO), in his complaint dated 04-05-2020, had alleged that, one Balpu Lokhra (the victim), was allegedly beaten by the police for violating the lockdown norms.

As per the complaint, the victim also suffered a fracture in his left hand due to the alleged thrashing by the police.

Tayeng in his complaint had also alleged the police on duty of misusing its power and sought an intervention of the NHRC in the matter.

Taking cognizance of the case, the Commission has directed the Namsai SP to submit a report on the same within four weeks.

“If the report is received within the stipulated time, the Commission shall be constrained to invoke coercive process under section 13 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 for personal appearance of the concerned authority,” the NHRC said in its notice.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]