Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein on Friday attended the convocation ceremony of Institute of Technology and Future Trends College, New Chandigarh which was held at State Legislative Assembly auditorium for the Arunachalee students.

Mein in his speech lauded the private institute for its role in improving the quality of education in the State and said that the private schools in the State have performed well in the recent CBSE examinations.

Urging the students to develop a sense of competitiveness amongst themselves so as to perform better in examinations, Mein said in this competitive world students have to be skilled and look beyond government jobs which are pretty limited.

However, he assured that the State government is giving all effort to empower its youths through various skill development programmes and also encouraging them to take up entrepreneurship through subsidized schemes.

“Avail the benefits provided by the government and make yourselves self-employable and independent,” the minister said.

Also to speak on the occasion was education minister, Honchun Ngandam who asserted that the government is doing its best to improve the quality of education in the State.

Like Chief Minister Pema Khandu, Ngandam also said that the poor performance of the state in CBSE examinations this year was due to the no-detention policy and because of that the students eventually developed a habit of leniency.

He further opined that the effect of no-detention policy may affect the CBSE results for a few more years. The education minister, however, was optimistic that the after effects of the policy would soon disappear and students would improve their results.

Taking opportunity Ngandam also informed that NCERT text books are being supplied to the schools in a proper way and also assured that the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission would soon advertise and conduct examinations for posts of teachers which are vacant.

Addressing the students in particular, the minister exhorted them to excel in life.

Let our State be exposed and identified by your achievements, he said.

Earlier, Dr Gulshan Sharma, director general of International Chamber for Service Industry (ICSI) highlighted the activities of his industry and also presented a seven-point recommendation to the State government in this regard.

He said that the NE region has a lot of potentials in Buddhist Pilgrimage and the same can boost the tourism industry if connected well with the ASEAN countries. He also said that the scenic beauty of the State provides ample opportunity for Cinematic Tourism and also 85 per cent of medicinal plants are found in this region.

Lt General KJ Singh, chief patron of ITFT College, Chandigarh also addressed the audience through a video while Maling Gombu, advisor to ICSI also spoke.

The dignitaries also released a magazine titled “Emerging Career Opportunities for Arunachal Pradesh Youth and Road Map ahead” prepared by the ICSI on the occasion.

Around 135 Arunachalee students received their certificates of graduation and post graduation degrees (varied disciplines) during the convocation.