Assembly speaker Pasang Dorjee Sona said that the fourth session of the Assembly will take place on e-Vidhan platform.

The Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly is all set to go paperless from the upcoming budget session.

Assembly speaker Pasang Dorjee Sona on Saturday said that the fourth session of the Assembly will take place on e-Vidhan platform.

Aimed at making the functioning of state legislatures paperless, the National E-Vidhan Application (NeVA) is all set for roll out to make the Assembly proceedings paperless.

Once the e-Vidhan project is implemented, each and every information in regard to the legislative assembly would be available at the fingertips of the members who can then use their tablets/laptops to see the list of business and read questions and other documents pertaining to House proceedings.

Sona on Saturday did some familiarization work of the e-Vidhan project, which is being implemented in the Assembly Secretariat.