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Mizoram health department statistics has shown that non communicable diseases (NCDs) are fast outnumbering their counterpart, the communicable diseases.

“NCDs are the gift of the modern life and technology. Previously considered a genre for the nouveau riche and elites, now turning the table, NCDs are taking its toll on the low and middle income families,” Dr Eric Zomawia, NCD state nodal officer of Mizoram, said.

Statistics from April to November 2017 was compiled by NCD clinic and the results showed an alarming increase in blood sugar and hypertension patients.

NCD clinic numbers said that during April and November last year, 8791 new cases of diabetes were diagnosed and 5358 cases of hypertension.

“From a total of 72,175 persons screened for suspected NCD cases, 14,149 were diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes, almost 20 per cent of the suspected cases were found to be positive,” Dr Eric Zomawia said.

The top notched list of non communicable diseases include cancer, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hypertension, stroke and renal failure.

“These days, almost all the concerned authorities are making a clarion call to launch a universal campaign on  balanced healthy diet, physical activity, minimum six to seven hours of sleep, routine work schedule, avoidance of worries and anxieties, tobacco, alcohol, more efforts and awareness have to be imparted to the rural population,” Dr Eric Zomawia said.

Mizoram has a high prevalence of cancer in the country and thousands of new cases are being diagnosed every year.

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