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Agartala: In Agartala, two individuals, one of whom is an advocate named Rajesh Sarkar and the other an advocate clerk named Rajib Gope, have been apprehended in connection to a murder case dating back to September 5, 2023.

Tripura Police sources stated that these arrests are related to the murder of advocate clerk Amit Acharjee, which occurred in 2023.

“Acharjee was brutally assaulted by a group of lawyers and clerks, resulting in severe injuries. Despite being transferred outside the state for advanced medical treatment, Acharjee tragically succumbed to his injuries on September 23, 2023. Subsequently, a case was registered at the West Agartala police station,” he explained.

The source added that swift action was taken following the filing of the complaint.

“Immediately after the incident, two advocates, Gopal Sinha and Anirbal Talaptra, were arrested. The recent arrests of Sarkar and Gope were made as they had been evading authorities since the incident. Acting on information suggesting their presence at their respective residences, a police raid was conducted, resulting in their arrest. However, several other suspects involved in the case are still at large,” he informed.