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With an aim to promote environmental journalism in Northeast, Aaranyak is offering a paid assignment opportunity to freelance journalists of the region.

Selected candidates, for each story, will be paid an amount of Rs 25,000.

Interested candidates can submit online applications to Aaranyak up to September 30, 2019.

The application forms are available on Aaranyak’s Facebook page.

The selected journalists will have to develop exclusive stories on biodiversity and environmental issues of the northeastern region.

Apart from submitting the application forms online, applicants must also submit their work samples.

The work samples should comprise text stories in Word or PDF formats and links of published articles, photo essays and video works in another separate Word file.

Candidates having a graduate or postgraduate degree are eligible to apply for the post.

The paid assignment opportunity for freelance journalists is an initiative undertaken by the Media Productions & Communications Division of Aaranyak.

The stories developed by the selected candidates will be published in a special online magazine.