24 Bangladeshi nationals arrested at Agartala rail station by Mobile Task Force of Tripura Police on May 10, 2018. Photo: Pinaki Das

Mobile Task Force of Tripura Police arrested 24 Bangladeshi nationals at Agartala rail station on Thursday. All of them reached here this morning by train to enter Bangladesh by crossing the Indo-Bangla border illegally.

The task force during the routine check arrested the Bangladeshis at 11 am. None of them could produce any valid document of their visit to India from Bangladesh.

These Bangladeshi nationals have been studying in various madrasas in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Tamilnadu. They entered India via Petrapole in West Bengal.

“All of them are from Bangladesh and were studying in madrasas in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu and has crossed in to India through Petrapole of West Bengal. We are interrogating them and shall hand over to the Railway police,” MTF Superintendent of Police Abhijit Choudhury told Northeast Now.

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