Lieutenant General Depinder Singh Ahuja, General Officer Commanding 101 Area flagging off Cycle Rally on Monday in Shillong. Photo; Northeast Now

Altogether 22 cyclists from 58 Gorkha Training Centre and Assam Regimental Centre will cover a distance of 2,231 km to promote the spirit of adventure in the Army.

Lieutenant General Depinder Singh Ahuja, AVSM, General Officer Commanding 101 Area flagged off the Cycle Rally on Monday in Shillong.

The rally is part of Army’s Adventure Activities, comprising 22 Cyclists from 58 Gorkha Training Centre and Assam Regimental Centre covering a distance of 2231 Kms and will culminate at New Delhi.

The month-long cycle rally expedition has been organised with an aim to give a Pan India visibility in promoting the spirit of adventure in Army and interaction with Veterans/ Veer Naris en route. This opportunity would also be utilised to encourage the youth to join Indian Army.