US airlines
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The three biggest US airlines have complied with a Chinese demand to change how they refer to Taiwan, ahead of a 25 July deadline set by Beijing, BBC reported.

China earlier this year instructed 44 international airlines, plus other companies, not to refer to Taiwan as a non-Chinese territory.

Taiwan’s status is sensitive. Beijing considers the island a province China.

American Airlines, United and Delta changed their websites so the capital Taipei is not listed as in Taiwan.

Chinese state newspaper The People’s Daily reported on Wednesday that all 44 airlines had complied with the demand.

“China is willing to share China’s development opportunities with foreign companies and welcomes them to invest in and operate in China,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on Wednesday.

“Of course we hope that when they operate in China they respect China’s laws and rules, China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the feelings of the Chinese people.”

American Airlines spokeswoman Shannon Gilson told the BBC in an email, “Like other carriers, American is implementing changes to address China’s request. Air travel is global business, and we abide by the rules in countries where we operate.”

Cathay Pacific told the BBC in a statement the carrier was a registered airline “of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China. HKSAR is also where our operations are based. We must comply with the regulations and requirements of the relevant civil aviation authorities.”

The issue has always been highly sensitive for Beijing, but in recent years it has become increasingly active in clamping down on perceived violations of its territorial claims.

Taiwan has been self-ruling since 1949 but China regards it as a breakaway province it will reunite with one day.