Sachin Tendulkar with Interim Prime Minister of Bhutan. Source: Twitter

Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, who is the UNICEF Regional Goodwill Ambassador, together with UNICEF Regional Director for South Asia Jean Gough awarded the prizes to the top three innovators from Bangladesh and Pakistan at the finale of the Regional WASH innovation challenge organized by UNICEF and BRAC, the international organization based in Bangladesh, in Thimphu on Bhutan, according to a report in Bhutan Broadcasting Service.

Over 700 teams from all over South Asia had submitted new ideas on how best to get everyone to wash their hands with soap.

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Sachin playing football with students of Zilukha School in Thimphu. Source: Twitter

The finale of the challenge on Tuesday at Thimphu witnessed top 12 teams from eight countries, including Bhutan, present their final ideas.

Addressing the gathering at the event, the UNICEF Regional Goodwill Ambassador Sachin Tendulkar encouraged the innovators to keep trying hard.

The top three teams- two from Bangladesh and one from Pakistan- and their solutions will get exposure through global network of UNICEF.

The Bhutanese team’s Barrel Hand Washing Station idea was honoured for its simplicity.

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Sachin with players of Bhutan national cricket team. Source: Twitter

Earlier on the day, Sachin and UNICEF Regional Director for South Asia, Jean Gough, met with the Chief Advisor of the Interim Government.

They held discussions about clean water, hand washing, sanitation and happiness during the meeting.

Sachin had also visited Zilukha School in Thimphu and taught students a life-saving technique: how to wash their hands with soap.

The cricket legend also met with members of Bhutan’s national cricket team.