Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping has said that Nepal is China’s important trade and development partner in South Asia, with two-way trade reaching US$1.1 billion and Chinese investments in Nepal exceeding US$300 million last year.

In a signed article–“Toward Greater Progress of China-Nepal Friendship across the Himalayas”, published on Friday in The Rising Nepal ahead of his visit to the Himalayan nation, Xi Jinping said, “Nepal has been an active participant in the Belt and Road cooperation, and is working with China on a number of infrastructure projects to build or upgrade highways, ports, airports and power plants.”

“A trans-Himalayan connectivity network is thus taking shape, which will serve not just our two countries but also the region as a whole,” he said.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Nepal is the first South Asian country to be designated an approved destination for Chinese tourists.

“Between our two countries, there are about 60 flights every week, and over 300,000 mutual visits every year. Eleven pairs of sister cities have been established between the two sides. These growing exchanges have brought our people ever closer and added impetus to the development of both countries,” said the Chinese President.

Stressing on adopting a strategic and long-term perspective and draw up a blueprint for our bilateral relationship, Xi Jingping said, “We need to maintain high-level exchanges, enhance political mutual trust, and continue to render mutual support on issues concerning each other’s core interests.”

“We may also have more exchanges and experience sharing on governance and development to deliver greater benefits to our two peoples,” he added.

He further said that both the country should develop a Multi-dimensional Connectivity Network across the Himalayas.

It is important that we encourage more exchanges and cooperation in such areas as education, youth and tourism, and support our airlines in opening more direct flights to increase mutual visits, he said. .

“China will give more government scholarships to outstanding young Nepali and help train more professionals needed in Nepal’s development endeavor. China welcomes more Nepali students to China,” said Jingping.