Indo-Bangla border haat. Image credit

The World Bank on Tuesday while applauding the border haats set up by both India and Bangladesh at the border check posts, has termed the initiative as a ‘commendable example of South Asian regional cooperation’.

According to a Daily Star report, the World Bank has acknowledged that the border haats ‘confirm significant increase in incomes of vendors in both Bangladesh and India and growth in livelihoods opportunities for women and marginalized workers’.

This was found, according to the report, during a survey conducted by the World Bank as part of its study on the potential of South Asian trade and connectivity which has developed livelihoods in both sides.

The World bank report titled ‘A Glass Half Full: The Promise of Regional Trade in South Asia’ was made public on Tuesday.

The border haat initiative by the governments of Bangladesh and India was aimed at reviving the once-thriving economic and cultural relationship and reducing scope for smuggling, the World Bank report further stated.

The border haats underscore the importance of people-to-people interactions through initiatives, the World Bank stated.

On the connectivity front, the World Bank has also pointed out that progressive liberalization of India-Sri Lanka air services has reduced air fares and increased passenger traffic and air cargo volume.

The World Bank report further highlighted that India can play a critical role in regional cooperation for mutual economic and welfare gains.