donald trump
File image of Former US President Donald Trump. Image courtesy:

United States (US) President Donald Trump on Friday issued a proclamation banning the entry of Chinese students and researchers having ties with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China.

As per reports, Trump claimed that China is using its students and researchers to acquire intellectual property and technologies from the US in order to upgrade its military.

This action of China is a threat to the US’ long-term economic vitality and the safety and security of the American people, he said.

“In light of the above, I have determined that the entry of certain” Chinese nationals “seeking to enter the US pursuant to an ‘F’ or ‘J’ visa to study or conduct research in the US would be detrimental to the interests” of America, he said.

F-visas are a type of non-immigrant student visa that allows foreigners to pursue academic studies in the US.

The J-1 visa offers cultural and educational exchange opportunities in America through programmes overseen by the US State Department.

Trump’s decision to ban entry of certain Chinese students to US comes at a time when it is at loggerheads with China over various issues like the coronavirus pandemic, trade or military activities.

The US president had blamed China on several occasions for being unable to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.