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A British businessman had infected eleven people with the deadly coronavirus without even stepping into China where the disease was reported to be first started.

As per reports, the man caught the disease while attending a business conference in Singapore last month.

Over 100 people had attended the conference, including a Chinese man from Hubei province, the epicentre of the epidemic that has now left 1000 dead.

The British man then went to spend some days at the ski resort of Contamines-Montjoie in the Alps with some natives from his own country.

After he returned to England, he began to suffer from high fever following which he went for treatment in Brighton.

He was diagnosed with the coronavirus there and was later shifted to a hospital in Brighton.

Meanwhile, he British government has declared the deadly virus as a ‘serious and imminent threat to public health’.

The British government said it gives the authorities powers to forcibly detain infected people if necessary.

The British Airways has extended the suspension of flights serving Chinese cities amid concerns over the spread of coronavirus.

The airline on Monday said flights to and from Beijing and Shanghai had been cancelled until March 31.