Protesters demanded the death penalty for anyone found guilty of rape.

Bangladesh police have arrested a man in connection with the alleged rape of a student at Dhaka University amid angry protests on campus.

More than 2,000 students and human rights activists – some brandishing placards asking: “Tell me, am I next?” – demonstrated this week following the alleged rape of the 21-year-old student.

They demanded the death penalty for anyone found guilty of rape.

Four students went on hunger strike.

“Rape incidents have been increasing in Bangladesh due to leniency in the justice system and I demand speedy justice by hanging of the people committing rape,” The Guardian quoted a female demonstrator and student leader in at the university.

Nurul Haque Nur, vice-president of the university’s central students’ union, said, “We will call for country-wide demonstrations to ensure justice and demand the early conviction of the culprit through judicial trial.

“We are concerned about our basic rights. I am against the death sentence but rapists should not be spared strict punishment.”