COVID19 vaccine
Representative image.

A total of 105 global leaders including 18 Nobel Laureates have signed a call to declare the COVID19 vaccines as a global common good.

The call has been initiated by Yunus Centre.

According to reports, the signatories include 32 former chiefs of states and governments, artistes, political leaders, international NGOs and institutions.

The signatories include Muhammad Yunus, Desmond Tutu, Mikhail Gorbachev, Malala Yousafzai, Bono, Richard Branson, Lech Walesa, Jody Williams, Mahathir Mohamad, Lula, George Clooney, Sharon Stone, Forest Whitaker and Leymah Gbowee.

The other global leaders who signed the call included Mary Robinson, Tawakkol Karman, Azim Premji, Shabana Azmi, Ratan Tata, Anne Hidalgo, Thomas Bach and Andrea Bocelli.

The world leaders made the appeal to declare Corona vaccine a global common good, the Yunus Centre said on Sunday.

“We appeal to governments, foundations, philanthropists and social businesses to come forward to produce and/or distribute the vaccines all over the world for free,” the global leaders said.

They also invited all social, political, and health entities to re-affirm “collective responsibility for the protection of all vulnerable persons without any discrimination whatsoever.”

“We are pleading to all world leaders including the secretary-general of the United Nations, director general of the World Health Organization, religious leaders, social and moral leaders, leaders of research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies and the media to join hands and ensure that in the case of a Covid-19 vaccine, we have a global consensus that it must be deployed as a global common good,” the appeal added.

They invite everyone to join the pledge at VACCINECOMMONGOOD.ORG.