NEW DELHI: Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), a trade union which is backed by the RSS, has asked the centre to reconsider its policy of privatising public sector undertakings (PSUs).

On Thursday, BMS leaders met union defence minister Rajnath Singh and urged him to review the decision to corporatise ordnance factories.

The BMS also submitted a memorandum to Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying that the central government must rethink privatisation of PSUs.

The RSS-backed trade union stated that the central government must hold discussions with trade unions and get an insight on the ground reality before privatising PSUs.

The BMS leaders said that measures like dividing PSUs into core and non-core sectors and corporatisating defence and railway establishments and contractualisation of jobs were lopsided policies.

The BMS leaders said that such decisions of the central government might not yield expected results in long run.

“If the government intends to raise money for the upkeep of the pro-poor schemes, it should recover the same from corrupt officials, politicians and big industrialists because that is in fact the poor man’s money serving the corrupt while the PSUs are public money serving the public,” the BMS stated in the memorandum.

“Most of these private corporate managements are only interested in expanding their business and earning profits. Their priorities are different,” the BMS said.