Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has accused the ruling BJP of bringing back the idea of a “king of India” that was “smashed in 1947”.

Underlining the importance of cooperative federalism, the Congress leader said that the only way India has been ruled over the decades is through conversations.

Taking a dig at Prime Minister Modi, Rahul Gandhi said, “India is described in the Constitution as a union of states and not as a nation. One cannot rule over the people of a state in India. Different languages and cultures cannot be suppressed. It is a partnership, not a kingdom,” he said.

“Congress smashed the idea of a king in 1947, but now that has come back. There is a vision that India can be ruled by a stick from the Centre. Every time that has happened, the stick has been broken,” he said.

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“That is the only way India has been ruled. You can look at Ashoka, Maurya, the country has always been ruled by conversation and negotiation.

“My great grandfather was jailed for 15 years. My grandmother was shot 32 times. My father was blown to bits. So I know what I am talking about. You are fiddling with something very, very dangerous. I am advising you to stop. If you don’t stop you will create a problem. The problem has already started,” Rahul Gandhi said.

The Congress leader alleged that the government lacked any idea of history and they sought to suppress the concept of Union of States as against the idea of a king.

“There are two competing visions of India. One, of a Union of States, where decisions are taken through conversation and negotiation – a partnership of equals.

Another, of rule by a Shahenshah’s diktat. This hasn’t worked in 3000 years. BJP’s flawed vision has weakened our nation,”  said Rahul Gandhi.

He said that India was weakening and is completely isolated and questioned why no foreign dignitary was present as chief guest during the Republic Day celebration.