According to recent study, women with PCOS gain weight easily leading to major body image concerns. PCOS affects 7% – 10% of females causing infertility condition among them. PCOS is also linked to metabolic health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular health issues and mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

PCOS if left untreated may cause Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a mental health condition where the person spends most of the time focusing on their body imperfections.

The study involves nine relevant studies including sample sizes with POCOS ranging from 33 to 201 and women without PCOS from 22 to 225 that results in 918 women with PCOS and 865 without PCOS.

The findings of the study showed that women living with PCOS feel worse about their appearance as compared to those without PCOS.

The study emphasises the need for increased awareness and screening for body image concerns in those with PCOS as it may increase the risk of developing eating disorders and adversely affect their quality of life.