Simple homemade remedies to cure headache

Headache is one of the most common problems that we have to deal with most of the times in our daily lives.

The searing pain across the head often causes disruption in our concentration levels and prevents us from focusing properly in our daily tasks.

According to Ayurveda expert Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya, headache often occurs when people has high blood pressure, gets hangover, fever or do not get to drink their usual tea on time.

Meanwhile, people also get headaches when they suffer from migraine, insomnia, stress or when they try to leave a certain addiction like caffeine (tea/coffee), sweets, tobacco, alcohol etc.

Dr. Savaliya took to Instagram to share a recipe of a healthy Ayurvedic tea that is good for curing headaches without the need for any pills.

To prepare this tea, you will need one glass of water (300 ml), half a teaspoon of ajwain (carom seeds), one coarsely crushed elaichi (cardamom), one tablespoon of coriander seeds and five mint leaves.

Boil all the ingredients for 3 minutes on a medium flame , strain and then have it for curing those irritating headaches.

According to Dr. Savaliya, this tea should be taken in the morning to keep headache at bay and stay optimally healthy.

Also Read : Ayurvedic tea that you can make easily at home and have for regulating your periods or menstrual cycle

“So if you’re someone suffering from migraine, hormonal imbalance, hangover, uncontrolled diabetes, insulin resistance, bloating, irresistible food cravings, trying to leave certain addictions or wants to improve immunity, switch to this Ayurvedic Tea,” she added.

Besides relieving headaches, this Ayurvedic tea is good for several other health problems too like cough, cold, insomnia, nausea, motion sickness etc.

While ajwain leaves helps with bloating, indigestion, cough, cold, diabetes, asthma and weight loss, coriander seeds are best for improving metabolism, migraine headaches, hormonal balance and thyroid.

Meanwhile, mint leaves (pudina) are best for relieving tea addiction, mood swings, insomnia, acidity, migraine, cholesterol and cardamom is good for motion sickness, nausea, migraine, high blood pressure and even in skin and hair as it contains antioxidants.

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