Parenting Tips

One of the most challenging times that you can face as a parent is catching your children smoking suddenly.

Meanwhile, it is deeply heartbreaking when you see your children get constantly addicted to these vices i.e. smoking or drinking.

It is always a wise idea to explain the dangers of smoking and drinking to your children right from an early age.

However, if you see your children see smoking or drinking with their buddies somewhere one day out of the blue, it is normal to get worried.

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Eminent parenting expert Dr. Pallavi Rao Chaturvedi advises that it is a wise idea to let your children know that you will support and help them to get out of this addictive behaviour instead of making them more upset by constant scolding or dire threats.

She has suggested these ways of dealing with your children if you see them smoking or drinking-

i) Don’t threaten or issue ultimatums

Chaturvedi advises that children who are caught smoking or drinking need good teachings instead of scolding. She suggested that parents should first listen and understand the point of view of their children on smoking and drinking thoroughly. Some dire threats or strict ultimatums won’t do your children any good as it might make them afraid and they may try to take extremely dangerous steps then which would put their life at risk. Moreover, punishing or isolating them from their friends is also ineffective.

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ii) Find out why they were smoking or drinking

Parents need to question their children thoroughly if they find their children getting addicted to these vices i.e. smoking or drinking. Chaturvedi suggests that parents need to find out the exact reasons of their children getting pulled towards smoking or drinking. While some children might have started smoking or drinking just to satisfy their curiosity whereas others might have done so on being pressured by their friends

iii) Device a proper plan after investigation

Besides knowing the reasons, it is also necessary to know when you children have started these habits of smoking or drinking. After you figure out every detail, determine the ground rules. Sit down with your children and explain them about the dangers of smoking and drinking. Meanwhile, develop a plan to help your children quit their addictive behaviour and ensure that you keep checking whether it is being followed properly or not. 

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iv) Take help from healthcare experts if required

If you find that you cannot decide on how to help your children get rid of their addictive behaviour, it is always the best to consult a doctor or therapist as they are the reliable guides who can advise on the exact form of treatments required.