Horoscope Today
Daily horoscope

Horoscope Today | 01 February 2023: If you are interested in astrology, let us take you through what your day could look like.

Here is the horoscope for 01 February 2023.

Read what the stars have in store for you today (01 February 2023).

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Chances of getting rid of illness. Businessmen should invest their money very thoughtfully. Bonding may improve.

Romance and socializing will rule your mind despite pending jobs. Interacting with eminent people will give you good ideas and plans.

Many issues will need immediate attention. Your spouse will put efforts in making you happy today.

TAURUS (Apr 21-May20)

Support of influential people will boost your morale. Those operating small-scale businesses can get advice from their closed ones, which will be beneficial.

Think before sharing your confidential information with your spouse. Those connected with art and theatre will get new opportunities. You will get time for yourself despite busy schedule.

You can do something creative today in your free time. You might struggle in the morning to get ready but your spouse will help.

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

You may impress people around you with your positive outlook and confidence. Economic side will improve.

Chances of getting back the money you had lent. Spouse will give efforts to keep you happy.

Beloved will be in a romantic mood. You will feel special at work. You will like to spend time with yourself.

You will have a love-filled time with your spouse.

CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)

The Moon transiting in Gemini will make you optimistic. You will hear some good news.

Your financial condition will be stable and improve. Businessmen will see some profits. You will impress people in opposite sex.

Avoid rich and high cholesterol diet. Do not lend money to people who are not reliable.

A favourable day for completing household work and discussing domestic matters with spouse. Your spouse will appreciate you for your good job.

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

You will feel pleased and prefer to take a day off from work to spend time with your family. Health will be perfect.

You will gain money from unknown sources. You will receive attention you want. You will enjoy a candlelight dinner with spouse.

Success and recognition are waiting for you. You will be awarded for your performance in office.

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)

Your aura will be positive but elusive today. Your career will shine due to your hard work. Friends will stand by you in your need.

Financial conditions will improve. You will get marriage proposal as your love life may turn into lifelong bond. You will be occupied by pending work.

Express your feelings before someone you trust the most. Your spouse will take you to the early days of love and romance today.

LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)

Some unavoidable circumstances can give you some uneasiness. But you must try to keep your poise and should not react immediately to tackle the situation.

Investment is recommended to you but seek proper advice in this regard. Entertainment will be fun if it includes the whole family.

Brighten the day of your lover with a lovely smile. New ventures will be alluring and promise good returns.

Your competitive nature will enable you to win any contest you enter. Today, you will get to spend the best evening of your life with your spouse.

SCORPIO (Oct 24- Nov 22)

Performance of your child may give you immense pleasure. Control your tendency to live for the day and to spend too much time and money on entertainment.

Your thirst for knowledge will help you make new friends. Be careful as falling in love could be sacrilege for you.

Use your professional power to enhance your career prospects. You are likely to gain unlimited success in your field of activity.

Devote all your skills to gain the upper hand. Be polite and charming to everyone whosoever stands in your way.

Only a selected few will know the secret behind your magic charms.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Be an optimistic and look at the brighter side. Your confident expectations open the door for realization of your hopes and desires.

Increase in income from past investment is foreseen. Spouse will be caring. Love life may be controversial today.

Pending projects and plans move to take a final shape. Your flair to convince others will pay rich dividends.

Your spouse might make an issue of something he/she heard in the neighbourhood.

You might get irritated of your life-partner’s babbling today, but he/she will do something really great for you.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

It could be a fun-filled day. Unexpected gains may cheer you up. Your spouse’ health may worry you.

It may be a smooth day in terms of work. 

You may have to go on an unwanted journey in a very short note. Your spouse may have your parents’ blessings.

AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

You must prioritize your health. Investment should be avoided. You must be careful and not pick fight with anyone.

Conflicting issues must be solved. Your love life would be magical. There could be major land deals. Your marital bliss would be contained.

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Your fondest dreams may be materialized. Excitement must be kept under control.

Businessmen need to remain very careful. 

Children may bring some exciting news. 

You must not let a third person interfere in your marital life.