Diabetes is one of the most common but woeful health issues today that causes a person to make major changes in their lifestyle patterns

If you are a diabetic, you need not keep on getting upset for having to skip your favourite meals that you had once enjoyed guiltily during the days when you were in good health

To manage your insulin or blood glucose levels, you can still enjoy flavoursome dishes if you follow a food list prescribed by an expert nutritionist

Celebrity nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary has listed some delicious food items that you can harmlessly munch on without worrying about whether your blood sugar levels will increase later-

1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast of Moong Dal Cheela

Chowdhary recommends you to start your breakfast with a plate of one or two green moong dal cheelas as it has high protein content in addition to carbohydrates. For a more hearty breakfast, you can also have one egg as it is an excellent source of protein

2. Skip having Poha for breakfast

According to Chowdhary, it is best to discontinue having poha for breakfast as it is very high in carbohydrate content which isn’t good for people with diabetes. However, if you would like to happily munch on poha as it is very filling, add peas over it instead of potatoes

3. Choose the right grain

People with diabetes should always stay away from consuming wheat chapatis as it is very high in carbohydrates. Chowdhary recommends jowar rotis for your meals due to its high fibre content. Moreover, she warns against eating ragi chapatis as its Glycemic index (GI) is very high.

4. Ditch ready-to-eat food packets

Chowdhary recommends people with diabetes to skip having cereals, granola , biscuits and oat bars. If you want to munch on some tasty snacks, pick some clean protein snacks from your nearby grocery.

5. Eat nuts instead of fruits

While some fruits are sweet, there are others which are tangy and if you are a diabetic, you should stay away from consuming fruits as much as you can. For a healthy snack, try having some nuts which will offer you the right combination of healthy fats, carbs, and proteins. According to Chowdhary, if you are struggling with thyroid, have three brazil nuts daily along with other nuts

6. Stay away completely from using artificial sweeteners

Chowdhary advises people with diabetes to switch artificial sweeteners with natural ones like Monk fruit and Erythritol as it is also better for gut health. According to the nutritionist, our microbiome affects inflammation and in turn affects our sugar levels or our bodies’ capacity to handle blood sugars so we should always choose our food items wisely.