A healthy lifestyle can be maintained only when we follow a proper regimen of exercise and dieting systematically without ignoring something to be unimportant or unnecessary.

According to nutritionist Loveneet Batra, a healthy lifestyle is way more than just ‘Drink More Water’, ‘Get More Sleep’, ‘Eat Right’, & ‘Exercise’!

The nutritionist suggested 5 things that should not be done at all for living a sickness free or good life-

i) Skipping zinc rich food

Zinc is a mineral that is a critical for a healthy gut and a deficiency of it can lead to various gastrointestinal disorders. The food items that are rich in zinc have proven to be beneficial in treating diarrhoea, colitis, leaky gut and other digestive issues. Some good sources of zinc rich food items include sunflower seeds, amaranth, bajra, kalonji and pistachios.

ii) Sleeping for a lesser period of time

When you sleep, your brain’s glymphatic (waste clearance) system clears out waste from the central nervous system. It removes toxic by-products from your brain which builds up throughout the day. This allows your brain to work well when you wake up. Make it a priority of life to get minimum 8 hours of sleep daily for a healthy brain.

iii) Eating too much sugar

Excess sugar, which usually creates high levels of glucose in the body, develops Glycation in the skin fibres that lead to Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs) through internal reaction of sugar molecules with collagen and elastin proteins. Eventually, this process leads to the inability of the skin to stay firm and smooth.

iv) Constant use of cellphones

According to a study, just 50 minutes of cellphone’s use a day can affect your brain’s glucose metabolism. The blue light emitted from digital devices badly impacts the production of melatonin which is a hormone that defines your sleep-wake cycle i.e.  Circadian Rhythm hence affecting your everyday sleep, mental health and also can harm the retinas of your eyes.

v) Skipping tryptophan rich food

Serotonin plays a very significant role for our physical as well as mental health as it strongly contributes to our memory, happiness, regulation of body temperature and overall behaviour of the body. Serotonin- a feel good hormone- can be boosted by eating food items rich in tryptophan like pineapples, nuts, oats, tofu, turkey, eggs, cheese and salmon.