5 food items winter season

Winter is the time of the year when our appetite soars and our metabolism slows down which requires us to nourish our body with some healthy and wholesome food items.

With the temperature dropping, the chances of getting various kinds of sicknesses like cold, cough and fever along with pain in various parts of the body is quite high.

To solve these winter woes that are detrimental for our health, it is necessary for us to include food items that can help us in getting proper nourishment to keep diseases at bay.

The five food items that is absolutely good and a must have for winter season includes-


Healthcare experts are of the view that pure and ethically sourced A2 ghee is one of the most easily digestible fats capable of generating instant heat and energy to keep the body warm. A moderated consumption of ghee can also help skin from getting dry and flaky. Switch over to ghee as a cooking medium or add it as a seasoning over rice, chappatis at the time of having meals.

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Sweet Potato

An excellent source of beta-carotene, sweet potatoes is one of the healthiest superfood of winters and you can have it with your meals either in a boiled or roasted form. It is rich in fibre, Vitamin A and potassium and is good for developing a strong immune system and fulfill the Vitamin C requirements of the body.

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The Indian gooseberry or the amla is a powerhouse of Vitamin C and is a great superfood which can be enjoyed heartily in winters to develop immunity and keep infections at bay. Be it in the form of juice, pickles or candies or in the totally original form, amla should definitely be have in winters along with fruitful gossip with your loved ones to remain healthy.


A natural source of sweet food, honey is good for treating cold and coughs and thereby keeps winter woes away from you to keep you in sound health. Moreover, it is a mood boosting food and can also help you to remain happy during the dull winter months. Enjoy your chappatis and breads with good dollops of honey to keep hunger pangs away at odd hours and also to get rich nutritious benefits.

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To remain warm during the dreary winter days, add jagerry as a sweetener to your meals or you can even have it a bit in raw form as a mood boosting snack. Jaggery is a rich source of iron and this nutrient is necessary in winters as it helps in binding oxygen to red blood cells. When the iron levels in the body drops down, oxygen becomes low and thereby we tend to feel more cold.