Retirement is that phase of life when you are finally in the mindset to take a break from your daily work schedule which your health and body were once accustomed to. After being part of the rat race, it is time to take a rest and stop taking job-related worries. You may explore a new way of living slow-paced life after your retirement as you are free from your professional duties.

Here is a list of places in India where you can consider settling down after your retirement:

  • Dharamshala

As an abode of monasteries, mountains, and picturesque landscapes, Dharamshala can be considered a perfect place to settle down after your retirement. The accommodation cost is quite cheaper in Dharmshala as compared to most North Indian cities. The religious aura of the place results in low crime rates.

·       Bhubaneswar

The temple city of India, Bhubaneswar serves delicious seafood and peaceful secluded beaches. The city is known for providing the lowest electricity prices in the country. Bhubaneshwar is well connected by air and rail to most parts of India, making it easily accessible.

  • Coimbatore

Coimbatore is popularly known as the ‘Textile Capital of the South and is well connected by railways and highways. The place has a bustling cosmopolitan culture, low pollution, and enjoys a uniform climate throughout the year. The cost of living is lower and has rapid infrastructure growth.

  • Dehradun

The beautiful hills around Dehradun make it one of the most popular retirement destinations in India. It’s a breezy city and is well connected by air and rail and has favourable weather and serves as an excellent place to settle after your retirement.

  • Pondicherry

The French colonial settlement, Pondicherry is a Union Territory located near Tamil Nadu. The city is known for its crystal clear beaches, French cafes, French-styled architecture, and laid-back lifestyle. The city has established many retirement homes that offer a healthy and active lifestyle for many senior citizens.