Heaters are the most commonly used gadgets used in the winter season to keep ourselves and our surroundings warm
A girl performing yoga

Heaters are the most commonly used gadgets used in the winter season to keep ourselves and our surroundings warm.

However, if you have been feeling too cold this winter, you can try some traditional techniques to generate heat in your body and stay warm.

Satvic Yoga, a holistic health education platform, in its Instagram handle has listed three natural ways to ward off cold and increase heat within the body in winter-

Trataka Dhyana

Candle meditation, or Trataka Dhyana, involves focusing your gaze on a flame and allowing your mind to relax and become still. As you focus on the flame, your body will naturally begin to generate heat. This is because the act of focusing on one point, in this case the flame, causes the body to release endorphins, which are known to increase feelings of warmth.

To do Trataka Dhyana, follow these steps-

  • Keep a flame 1.5 feet away at eye level
  • Observe the flame for 10-20 breadth cycles
  • Rub your hands together and place the palms on your eyes
  • Repeat this process for three times


The popular yoga asana Suryanamaskar, also known as sun salutation comprises of a series of poses that are designed to increase energy and circulation in the body. It can improve your blood circulation, stimulate the heart and make you feel motivated to take on new tasks. Take time to practice 10 rounds of Suryanamaskar daily as this complete physical, mental and emotional practice generates fire from within the system and helps to keep you warm throughout the day.


Spend at least 30 minutes every day in sunlight and apply hot oils like mustard, almond or sesame oil on the body under the sun . This Ayurvedic practice called Abhyanga is an excellent way to generate heat in your body as the warm oil will help to increase circulation and the sun will help to warm your skin.