10 Herbs that can help in controlling your blood sugar levels

Diabetes is really an unpredictable health issue as the blood sugar levels continue to wreak havoc on us by either going up in an instant or getting lowered beyond imagination.

While taking medications are a regular feature for a diabetic person, some herbs can also play an important role in controlling the blood sugar levels.

Most of these herbs are the common kitchen ingredients that we use in cooking our food and regular use of them can be useful in tackling diabetes.

Some herbs that can help in controlling your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes are-


Studies have shown that the extract of turmeric curcumin can help in managing diabetes to a great extent. It is a common herb that we use for seasoning our meals regularly. This anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herb which is literally a treasure of the Indian kitchens should be mandatorily used in meals for staying in good health.

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The herb that stimulates insulin secretion is fenugreek so you should regularly include it in your diet. Soak some fenugreek seeds in 100 ml of water overnight and drink it the next morning. Meanwhile, do make sure that you take care in chewing the seeds as you consume the water.


Cinnamon, which is an aromatic spice that comes from the bark of Cinnamomum trees, is a powerful kitchen ingredient that lowers blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity. One of the best ways to get good benefits of cinnamon is to have a little bit of it as a mouth freshener after meals or by using as a substitute of sugar in desserts.

Bitter Melon

A vegetable as well as a herb, bitter melon or bitter gourd plays an important role in effective secretion of insulin. Although it is too bitter in taste and is shunned by many, do try to have it regularly as a side dish in your meals for better health benefits.


A herb that is mostly added in our meals to enhance the taste of food, ginger can also help in reducing blood sugar levels. Drink ginger tea regularly for feeling refreshed as well as add this herb regularly to your meals to stay fit and fine.

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Research has shown that moderate amounts of garlic can help regulate your blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Moreover, garlic can make your meals with its distinctly strong taste so make sure to use it regularly.

Curry Leaves

To make your curries tastier, always use curry leaves as it slows down the starch-to-glucose breakdown in diabetic patients thereby greatly helping in managing diabetes. You can also chew 8-10 curry leaves in the morning on an empty stomach for best results.

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Aloe Vera

A great medicine for skincare and even diabetes, aloe vera can be consumed on an empty stomach in morning for best results. Aloe vera is a highly useful plant that can be grown at your home and is known for curing many diseases.

Drumstick Leaves

Chlorogenic acid in drumstick leaves can regulate blood sugar levels. Don’t hesitate to make your curries more tasty with incorporation of some drumstick leaves. Moreover, drumstick is a plant whose flowers, leaves, seeds and stems are edible so it is definitely a valuable resource on Earth.

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A herb that helps in burning excess of sugar and help in production of insulin, giloy powder or giloy juice can be another powerful remedy to cure diabetes.  Studies have shown that giloy has significant anti-diabetic activity and has an efficacy of 40 percent to 80 percent compared to insulin.