white eggs brown eggs

Guwahati: Do you love eggs? And if you are health conscious, you must be anxious to know whether to have brown or white eggs to your diet.   

Some health conscious egg connoisseurs consider brown eggs to be healthier because brown bread, brown sugar and brown rice are actually healthier than their white version.

Moreover, brown eggs in the market are costlier than the white ones, and it is the main reason why a lot of people have now started discarding white eggs. But, are the brown eggs better than white eggs? Let us find out.

Brown eggs are darker than the white ones, and their yolk is also brown unlike the yellow appearance in white eggs. Brown eggs have a pigment – Protoporphyrin-IX in their shell that white eggs don’t have.

Also Read: Excess egg consumption can increase risk of diabetes, warn researchers

According to experts, both brown and white eggs have the same amount of nutrients – protein, zinc, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, fat, and cholesterol.

Taste of brown eggs may be different from white eggs, but it does not them different.

Poultry breeds like White Leghorn lay white-shelled eggs, whereas other breeds like Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds lay brown-shelled eggs.

A lot of people consider brown eggs to be organic. But, it is just a myth, the experts claim.