Everyone has eaten cheese but ever wondered about the hardest cheese in the world. Chhurpi is the answer to it. If you are a cheese lover, then definitely try this. It is harder than the other varieties of cheese. This cheese is prepared from the milk of chauri known as chauri gai in Nepal which is a cross between a yak and a cow. Chhurpi is sweeter in taste and has a smoky fragrance.

Chhurpi is often known as Himalayan chewing gum as this can be chewed for a long time. Chhurpi is a popular snack in Eastern India like Sikkim, Nepal, and Bhutan. It seems like a rock-hard bubble gum that slowly softens when chewing it for hours. Chhurpi has a hard texture due to the high-altitude climate prevailing in the Himalayas.

Further, this variety of cheese is prepared by farmers in Nepal for centuries. The interesting fact is that it can be stored for a longer period of time as it does not get rotten easily.

A single block of chhurpi has high nutritional value with a high value of protein present in it and if you chew it for a longer time then it is beneficial for your teeth. There are two varieties of Chhurpi – hard and soft. The hard chhurpi contains healthy fats and essential nutrients and proteins as it is made of yak milk.  The softer variety can be used as a stuffing in the momos and as an ingredient in soup.

If you are planning a long journey or hiking then carry chhurpi as it is a pocket-friendly snack due to its long durability. Chhurpi is also used in cooking several delicacies, especially in soups and vegetable pickles like radish and cucumber.

There is a different way of consuming chhurpi by placing it in your mouth for about 5-7 minutes so that it gets moistened up and tender, and start chewing it to enjoy its flavour.