Sikkim Healing Centre

Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling on Friday laid the foundation stone of a ‘Folk Healing Centre’ at Gaucharan, Assam Lingzey in East Sikkim.

Addressing the large gathering at the venue, the Chief Minister stated that the project will give maximum benefit to the people of this area.

He suggested it to be renamed as ‘Folk History Centre of Sikkim’ as this project will be a complete institution that will ‘highlight and showcase the complete folk history’ of Sikkim.

“The centre will be a premier destination providing traditional cure and healing practices for all kinds of ailments. These practices, considered to be an integral part of Sikkimese culture and history, and commonly done through the use of supernatural powers, charms and symbolism by traditional healers, can be an attraction for the tourists visiting Sikkim,” the Chief Minister said.

The technical report of the project was presented by Buildings and Housing secretary R B Thapa.

As per the technical report, the State Government has acquired 6.85 acres of land for the project that would comprise of traditional houses, yoga centre, tourist interpretation hall, herbal garden and other amenities.

The entire infrastructure will be earthquake resistant and the environmental impact assessment of the project would be carried out.

The project has an estimated cost of Rs 110 crore and is scheduled to be completed by August 2020.

“On completion, the Folk History Centre of Sikkim will be a unique heritage and will attract visitors, researchers and scholars from across the world,” Chamling further said.

He urged the people of Assam Lingzey and specially the local youths to take maximum benefits from the opportunities arising from the upcoming centre.

This Centre will have the capacity to generate sustainable livelihood opportunities for generations to come, he added.

Earlier, local legislator Bek Bahadur Rai, in his address, urged the youths to realize the vision of the Government in creating sustainable projects and livelihood opportunities and called for the need to build their skill and capacity to meet the demands of the modern day.

He profusely thanked the Chief Minister for envisioning the unique project and assured that he would personally monitor the progress of the work at every stage.