Workdays can be extremely packed and hectic and staying focused is a must but sometimes if we are having a bad mood, feeling low, stressed, irritable then it’s becomes difficult to concentrate on work which also creates interference on your thought process and perhaps impacts the way in which we responds to people and situations.

This may lead to negative thoughts feeling dissatisfied, dispirited, demotivated preventing you from feeling the sense of accomplishment and content that we get after having a good day in the office.

Although everyone tries to keep a gap between personal and professional life but somehow our emotions, stress and mental condition triggers our work life which sometimes impacts it badly.

 It is important to quickly address such conditions and find out ways to manage which is making you feel low and irritable.

Here are some helpful ways that can ensure to get rid of your lows that emerges in your workday:

  • Understand the cause of its occurrence: Catching the emergence of the mental state at the earliest is essential which manifest in the form of physical sensations, cognitive processes, emotional experiences or behavioural actions and mannerisms and try to find out the cause of its occurrence. It may whether happen due to an individual or situation but finding the cause will lead us to the solution.
  • Moving away helps: If the emotion is triggering due to a certain individual then moving away can help. The physical distance from the people and place can create space for you to feel better and help you to forget or let go of things which is troubling you and build perspective later.
  • Take time for activities that calms you down: Whatever may be the activity and how much time it may take out time from your busy schedule to engage into activities that will make you feel relaxed. It may be listening to your favourite playlist, reading a good piece, going out for a walk, breathing exercises.  
  • Give yourself positive reinforcements: Remind yourself of all the past accomplishments and the toughest situations you have survived can build our self belief stronger. Remembering those outcomes will help to create positivity and hope.
  • A quick chat can help: Talk with friends or collegues about your concerns to whom you can reach out and share your experiences with. They not only act as sounding boards, but can help you dilute the situation and may give it a different perspective or come up with effective solutions.