Researchers have warned that excess egg consumption can increase your risk of diabetes.

The researchers in a study found that people who regularly consumed one or more eggs per day (equivalent to 50 grams) increased their risk of diabetes by 60 per cent and the effect was more pronounced in women than in men.

Conducted in partnership with the China Medical University, and Qatar University, the longitudinal study (1991 to 2009) led by University of South Australia is the first to assess egg consumption in a large sample of Chinese adults.

Epidemiologist and public health expert Ming Li said the rise of diabetes is a growing concern.

“Diet is a known and modifiable factor that contributes to the onset of Type 2 diabetes, so understanding the range of dietary factors that might impact the growing prevalence of the disease is important,” Ming said.

Over the past few decades, China has undergone a substantial nutritional transition that’s seen many people move away from a traditional diet comprising grains and vegetables, to a more processed diet that includes greater amounts of meat, snacks and energy-dense food

“At the same time, egg consumption has also been steadily increasing; from 1991 to 2009, the number of people eating eggs in China nearly doubled,” he said in a paper published in the British Journal of Nutrition.