WHO said that all healthy adults should do 30 minutes per day of physical activity.

The Centre has announced 21-day lockdown in India as preventive measures against coronavirus pandemic.

It is important to do some physical activities to stay healthy during home quarantine.  The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also underscored on the importance of physical activity.

WHO said that all healthy adults should do 30 minutes per day of physical activity and children should be physically active for at least one hour per day while staying at home.

Here are some tips you can follow during home quarantine:

1. Try exercise classes online

You can easily find videos of exercising. To complete a high-intensity workout video you will hardly require 30 minutes. It is a great way to stay active and stick to your fitness routine. Several fitness experts are also sharing daily fitness and exercise videos to motivate you to get stay active.

2. Dance to music

Dancing is a great exercise. It is full of fun as well. All you need to do is play your favourite music and dance. It will help you burn calories and you will enjoy it at the same time.

3. Play active video games

Video games can also help you involve physical activity to your routine. Play games that involve physical activity. Many will enjoy this physical activity the most. You will burn calories through this method.

4. Try skipping rope

Skipping rope is one simple exercise that does not require many resources. One simple skipping rope is enough for your complete body workout. Jumping rope is one of the most effective exercises which you can practice at your home.

5. Do some muscle strength and balancing training

If you have some simple equipment at home, you can also do muscle training at home. Make use of the 21 days lockdown in India to achieve your fitness goals.