Sarthak Jain

Amid coronavirus crisis, a 16-year-old Delhi boy has developed an automated touch-free doorbell with the objective of social distancing.

Sarthak Jain from the Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh in New Delhi has designed this door-bell project to break the chain of deadly coronavirus.

Sarthak, a student of 11 standard, said it is an automated touchless doorbell with ultrasonic sensors.

The sensor can detect the presence of a person or object within a distance of 30 to 50 cm and produce the ‘beep ‘sound from the buzzer without touching the bell.

“I programmed Arduino such that when the ultrasonic sensor will detect the presence of an individual in the range of 50cm it will respond by producing a buzzer sound,” he said.

Sarthak said, “Amidst corona pandemic I see everyone wearing a mask even while they are in home or balconies. This compelled me to contemplate on all possible ways that this virus could be brought to my home.”

“It struck me that even doorbell can be one of the potential carriers. So I decided to design a smart doorbell,” he added.

He said door-bell is a medium of transferring virus as it is used maximum times in our daily routine and hence the chances of spreading virus increases.

“Keeping in this mind, I have designed this project so that it can become a part of saving this world,” he added.

He also thanked his school Principal Alka Kapur who motivated him.

“We have an ‘ATAL TINKERING LAB’ in our school which has provided us a platform to explore, be creative and keep tinkering all times,” Jain said.