hea;lthy states report

Assam ranks 21st in the health index among all the Indian states.

According to ‘Healthy States, Progressive India’, a joint report by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, World Bank and Niti Aayog, the top five performing states in reference to year-based composite index score are Kerala (76.55), Tamil Nadu (63.38), Gujarat (61.99) and Himachal Pradesh (61.20).

In the base year (2014-15) the composite health index ranged from 28.1 in Uttar Pradesh to 80 in Kerala.

On an average, modest improvement was observed between the base and reference years, with the difference between the worst and best performing states narrowing.

On the other end of the spectrum, Uttar Pradesh (33.38) scored the lowest and ranks at the bottom preceded by Rajasthan (36.79), Bihar (38.46), Odisha (39,43) and Madhya Pradesh (40.09).

In the ‘Empowered Action Group States’ Assam lies at the tail end of the distribution, ranking between 14th and 21st positions.

Manipur ranked first in annual incremental performance and second in terms of overall performance, while Goa ranked second in annual incremental performance.

Among smaller states, Mizoram (73.70) and Manipur (57.78) are the best overall performers.

In annual incremental performance, Manipur (up 7.18 points) and Goa (up 6.67 points) ranked the highest.