Kawasaki syndrome
Representative photo. Image credit - www.northjersey.com

After the COVID19 pandemic, Kawasaki syndrome may emerge as the new cause of worry for the people in India.

An eight-year-old boy from Chennai has become the first case in India to be affected by the hyper-inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID19.

This syndrome causes swelling of the entire body of the including the vital organs of the victim.

Kawasaki syndrome, which affects many important organs of the body, becomes life-threatening.

According to reports, a corona-infected child, who was brought to Kanchi Kamakoti Trust Hospital in Chennai in critical condition, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital.

The child had shown initial symptoms of toxic shock syndrome and Kawasaki syndrome, which causes blood vessels to swell.

During initial investigations, signs of pneumonia, COVID19 pneumonitis, Kawasaki disease, and toxic shock syndrome with septic shock were observed in the child.

However, the hyper-inflammatory syndrome, detected in the child including corona, was reportedly corrected with the help of some drugs.

The hospital authority said they have intensively taken care of the child and he has recovered after two weeks.

The effect of the disease became a matter of talk in the world in the middle of April when eight children were found with the syndrome within ten days in London.

And recently the disease has been confirmed in many children in America.

According to reports, the disease mostly affects children and adolescents than adults.

World Health Organization (WHO) has formed a working group of experts from around the world to begin an investigation into the cases to provide evidence as to whether COVID19 can cause multi-organ failure even in this age group.

Kawasaki is a disease that involves the blood vessels of the body in which there is inflammation in the walls of the blood vessel and this inflammation weakens the arteries that carry blood to the heart.

The symptoms of the disease include skin rash with fever swelling of hands, throat, and red eyes.

In a serious condition, there is also a possibility of heart failure or heart attack.