A person who suffers from anemia has a decreased level of hemoglobin in the red blood cells (RBCs). Hemoglobin present in red blood cells carries oxygen from organs of the body and tissues back to your lungs. Iron-deficiency anemia means a shortage of iron in the body which is necessary for the production of  hemoglobin. 

Anemia is prevalent in about 29.6% in women of reproductive age and 36.5% in pregnant women. Approximately 46% of girls under the age of 15 in India suffer from anemia.

Here are symptoms that show that you are suffering from iron deficiency anemia:

  • Loss of energy and fatigue

Extreme tiredness and weakness are significant symptoms of anemia. Performing day-to-day activities can be difficult, and you may have trouble sleeping or performing mild to moderate exercises.  

  • High heartbeat

Lack of hemoglobin forces the heart to pump extra hard to transport oxygen. This may cause irregularities in the heartbeat, leading to fast-beating, pounding hearts called heart palpitations.

  • Breathlessness

Breathlessness happens due to insufficient iron in the body and limits the production of hemoglobin that transports oxygen from the lungs to different parts of the body.

  • Other symptoms

Iron deficiency anemia may cause pale skin, chest pain, headache, dizziness, cold hands and feet, soreness of the tongue, brittle nails, and loss of appetite.

Most of woman suffers from a deficiency of iron and it gets worsen up during the period of menstruation. So, it is recommendable to eat a healthy balanced diet containing all the essential nutrients and take iron supplements if required.