Maintaining a healthy diet is taking the proper amount of nutrients that our body requires for proper functioning but there are healthy food items that can actually be toxic and cause severe damage to the system and even turn out to be fatal.

Consuming healthy food items in the right proportion is essential as excessive of anything can be dangerous.

Here is a list of 4 healthy foods that are toxic and can be fatal, if not consumed in the right quantity or cooked properly:

Green potato

Green potato contain a compound called Solanaceae, which is toxic for the human body. Excess consumption of this compound can cause headaches, vomiting, nausea, internal bleeding, coma and even death.

Bitter almonds

Bitter almonds contain a toxic compound called hydrogen cyanide. This compound is toxic to the human system. Consumption of 6-10 bitter almonds can cause severe poisoning and consumption of 20-25 bitter almonds can also lead to death.

Undercooked red kidney beans

Uncooked or undercooked kidney beans contain lectin, which is a toxic substance that causes abdominal pain, nausea and even death. If beans are cooked evenly then it is lectin-free and if beans are undercooked, the level of lectin might increase by 5 times and may cause severe toxicity.

Brown rice

Brown has a higher arsenic concentration when compared with white rice. The higher concentration of this toxic compound can cause severe damage to the nervous system. So, it’s essential to wash brown rice 4-8 times and also soak it for 30-40 mins before cooking.